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Selectmen's Minutes November 25, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

SUBJECT: 2004 Budget Proposals  
PRESENT: Budget Committee members, John Martell, Bruce Dyke,Walter Sanborn, Stephen MacCleery and Department Heads    

Highway – The question was asked what the increase in the payroll line was for.  David answered he is budgeting for the Road Agent’s position as $19.00 per hour and increasing the part time wage to $13.00 per hour.  Under equipment, there is a need for a new sander and plow.  We currently lease a sander for $750.00 per month with 90% going towards the purchase cost.  The budget committee asked for an explanation of increases in the summer fund – the grader needs new tires and traditionally the summer fund money is short because the winter fund has run over and consequently the roads are not being worked on in the summer. David strongly believes that in order to correct this situation the Town needs to fund the winter fund accordingly and keep the summer fund money alone to do the summer work.  
A suggestion of purchasing a phone card at Sam’s to significantly reduce the long distance charges on the phone bill was made by the Selectman Arey.  Currently David is using the cell phone to cut down on this cost.  
Correct procedure for purchasing heavy equipment such as a one ton was discussed.  David placed this cost in his operating budget.  The Board and the Budget Committee would like to see it in the form of a Warrant Article.  David stated there needs to be a warrant article for continuation of upgrading Hutchinson Road and one for resurfacing Center Road.

PD – The Police Department payroll increases are due to an increase for the Chief and the full time patrolman, the part time hourly rate increasing to $11.75 per hour and going to 24 –hr on call coverage. Pat believes Chichester should be covered by a Chichester Police Officer.  Officers will be paid for a minimum call out of  2 hours.
Pat is working on a warrant article to establish a Special Revenue Fund for Police Details.  This was talked about by DRA at a budget workshop that Lisa and Pat attended in September.  The budget shows an increase in hours for the police department Administrative Assistant from eight per week to sixteen.  

FD –  There is a proposed 4%increase in the  VIP program.  The cost for the mutual aid contract has increased.  This percentage of cost is based on property values and population.  The center has added a dispatcher and each department has a member of the hazardous material team.  The general increase of  $4359.00 is very minimal and does not include the separate maintenance costs for the building such as(heat,electric,grounds) as requested by the Selectmen to once again be included in the departments budget.  

A discussion about fuel costs took place.  The Fire Chief asked the Board to look into
a town wide price for propane.  The Ambulance budget shows a 4% increase in the Loudon subsidy  contract and the billing services have increased to $18.00 per call.  

Town Clerk/Tax Collector – The Town Clerk is proposing to switch to a fixed salary and eliminate the fees.  She is also proposing an additional 2 hours being open to the public.  

Historical Society –Historically their budget has been $1000.  This is the first time they have submitted a budget.  They are in need of a flat file to store old maps and documents.  The library has one that is not being used and Selectman Arey offered it to the society.  Acquisitions are historical Chichester items they would like to purchase(e-bay, auctions).

Review of building expenses was next. This is new this year for all departments’ budgets that are responsible for maintaining a building.  The Thunder Bridge project needs to have a warrant article created, establishing this fund this year.  It is part of the CIP Plan.

Library – Correspondence from the Library Trustees was reviewed.  The Budget Committee had asked for an explanation for the increase in the salary line.  This is due to the request for a temporary helper to assist the librarian in getting all the books cataloged in the State Computer system.  

Department heads need to put in their requests from the CIP Plan in the form of  warrant articles.  A deadline for warrant article submittals was set as December 16, 2003.  The Board and Budget Committee would like these to be submitted at the same time as the operating budget from now on.  Lisa will send a memo to all departments and boards.  What is the status of the update for the CIP Plan?  Chairman Colbert will ask the Planning Board at their meeting next week.  
The Selectmen’s Office has not received any update as of today.

The Selectmen and the Budget Committee will meet again on December 16, 2003 to review the entire proposed budget and any Warrant Articles.

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Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman Arey to adopt the employee policies.  All were in favor.  These will take effect January 1, 2004.

Mail and e-mail was reviewed.  Bills and payroll were signed.

The minutes of November 18, 2003 were approved as written.

Upcoming meeting schedules were reviewed.  

The bill from BCEP regarding the cleanup costs from the Flanders property was reviewed.  Selectman Arey will discuss this with the BCEP Director at the monthly meeting.   

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert
Approved As Written
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey                                                     

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